Friday, November 29, 2019

Chanting of Mantras with Mudras

A verse from Samayochitapadya Maalikaa says that "there is no sound that is not a mantra, no plant that is not medicinal, there is no person unworthy, what is lacking is an enabler"

अमन्त्रमक्षरं नास्ति नास्ति मूलमनौषधम् ।
अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः ॥      
- समयोचितपद्यमालिका

Sanskrit Mantra is based on root sounds of nature or vibrations of the Universe. Mantras are not prayers. A Mantra is divinity in sound form, a Yantra is the same in geometrical form and an image the devata in gross form.

Chanting the vedic Mantras with the movements of hands has been considered as the proper way of learning. Panini says, all Vedas should be studied with the accompaniment of hand gestures and accents - Click here for a demo

The repetitive chanting of Mantras with the relevant Mudra can improve the accent and make the speech clear.

Why Mudras?

Mudras are there for each each syllable and they are designed to re-channel breath and energy into various parts of the physical body and mental body. Using hand Mudras along with chanting has the therapeutic effect on the mind-body system. Pronouncing words with different tones, intensity, speed, Mudras etc have effect on the entire cerebral nervous system.

From time immemmorial, hasta mudras have been used by Kerala Brahmins in the Vedic recitation - See the pdf doc

The skull anatomy has a major role in the making of the vocabulary of an animal. The structure of human skull is designed for making many different sounds. The wider vocabulary of humans are because of the distinctive skull structure that is different from animals and birds.

Birds have varying degrees of talking ability. Birds like crow can make only the Caw! Caw! sound. But still crows can convey various messages within their social group, by fine-tuning the tone, speed, energy, space between, kind of repetitions etc. Parrots have a wider vocabulary.

Goddess of Mantra Goddess Kali is generally seen as the mother of language, and of all mantras. Each letter is called Akshara meaning that does not change. Letters and words carry a significant meaning in yogic context. Sabda and Varna proceed from Kali and blossom into Pada (syllables), Vak (words), and Vakya (sentences). Sound is imperishable (Akshara) and immutable, while its derivatives, names and forms, morph and mutate.

The 51 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet constitute the Goddess in the form of sound. This is why Kali wears a garland of 51 skulls. It represents Varnamala or 51 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. The Sanskrit letters are represented by the skulls. Skull is the headquarters for mind, thought, sound, speech and deed. Varnamala illustrates the world of names and forms.

Click here to see the picture of Varnamala

The Kali Beej Mantra will protect one from all the evil forces. It helped Kalidasa to become one of the Navratanas (nine gems) in the court of King Vikramaditya.

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